The Infinite is about flying, but not being able to go high enough. It is...
A very strange walk home from a bar  
My hatred for nite clubs 
What is the concept of time? Semantics, perception, time not being linear, quantum mechanics,...
Unrequited love, visceral emotions, feelings things deeply, logic and rationality vs the intangible 
Break up, love, heart ache, sadness, loss,, relationships
Mental health, intelligence, giftedness, Joan of arc, enlightened
Mental health, family relationships, parents, depression, manic-depression, psychology, psychiatrists,nature vs nurture, psychoanalysis 
The poem is about God and because He is who He is, I can...
Going through various challenges, life has caused me to feel like a string puppet...
The poem is about one that has been betrayed by someone whom she loved...
What inspired me to write this is when my phone broke down and it...
My love for Sandra Karino.
its about my life …. the struggle i face everyday
A spiritually love poem
An observation on the true spirit of christmas.
it is basically about  what the title implies
A poem about a friend who killed herself when I was 18
A poem I wrote about my love of conscious and ethical hip hop
I get a lot of trains. I get a lot of delayed trains, meaning...
A poem about my awesome friends
Me performing Go Rapture Yourself and Say Goodbye To These at the spoken word London...
Me performing The Real Thing at the spoken word London event
A poem about an Imperial Stormtrooper, after the Death Star was destroyed.