Bridge818 Live Spoken Word London October 14th 2015

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  • Created: November 20, 2015
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So we keep going
Day to day
Pay to pay
As if we be knowing
That we have an outcome
To be proud of
And not just the one
That we
Eventually see
For ourselves
So here we are putting our
Dreams up on the shelf 
And our dreams started to fade
When we started to get paid
And we realised
All of the hours
That we trade
Don't provide enough coin
For the things we enjoy
So we compromise
And let things slide
Even if it breaks us
On the inside
And as we strive
To survive
In this life
We realise
That the lies
Always seem to arrive
On both sides
Of the argument
And the need yet lack of
Common sense
From our government
The one's who are meant
To protect
Our necks
Instead of laughing
At the starving
While they collect
Their pay cheques 
You see
From them
It's a simple request
Let your mind rest
And acquiesce
Eat sleep
work everyday
For minimum wage
Get your council tax paid
Until you finally meet your grave 
And you let your dreams fade away
As you let the media guide your way
And lap up everything they say
But it's ok
Just obey
And don't stray
From the path that for you
They did lay
A path to a
Low self-opinion
A path to a
Lack of ambition
Due to bullshit advertising
Buy up every product they're selling
Because it'll definitely make you
Far more enticing
But we don't need your things
No matter the happiness
And content feelings
You claim that they bring
And if I hear one more mass marketing company Telling me how to be happy I'm likely to fucking snap And go William Foster crazy
All I need is my friends
And all I need is my family
I need Batman comics
And a nice cup of tea
And I need the company
Of that girl who's special to me
So we can just sit
And watch Rick and Morty
And listen to doomtree
And we don't do this shit
Because of your influence
We do this shit
Because we fucking kill it
And we do this shit
Because it makes us happy
Ain't no corporate slogan gonna influence you or me 
Fuck your advertising
Because we can beat that feeling
It is called a cleaner living
And that shit is the real thing 
Because we won't pump your sugar water onto our system 
And we won't eat your chocolate 
If it's got blood in the ingredients
And we won't wear 
Your sportswear
If your trade
Ain't too fair
And no I could not shit a care
About the shiny things
Won with them
I care more about the children
The men and the women 
Who are being forced to work 
Under these unethical conditions 
And for the mothers who have cried
For all the babies who didn't survive 
To all the farmers who have died
Due to the various pesticides
Or the seeds of suicide 
We apologise 
We just wanted some strawberries out of season 
And bananas with minimal discolouration 
And I know what you're thinking
All this pain and suffering isn't a good enough reason
is it? 
never has been
Never will be

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