The people running the American health care system
is about my feeling deep inside. feeling pill in my mind and i try...
A lack of self worth leads us to self distruction
This poem is a question of life, the meaning of ones life in this...
This peom is about a woman in my life, who is suppose to be...
A poem about crisps
A comical look at an everyday thing that we take for granted.. Maybe as...
This is a poem about having a crush on someone and feeling like said...


On intuition
I wrote this for my fiance
This item is about perseverance. It was written in the hardest times of my...
an invitation to a reader to read the poetry, and to come into the...
A short commentary about faith in strangers in high places..
How much further we really have to go
I wrote this for all Christians who believe in Jesus
The uncertainty we feel
It’s about a journey which is like a pendulum.
A memory or desire that is persistent and won't leave you alone
To stand strong
about a boy who is sleep walking in his dreams
the positive side of insanity
They say that eyes are the window to the soul
It’s about creating another world and with words
The Embrace of Love
A short poem about using humor as a coping mechanism.
Right girl. Wrong time.
Sometimes we question our selfs and what life is all about.
This poem is about being black in america
Just a poem about depression
Realizations, love (relationships even), confusion, curiosity, depression, questioning.
The darkness of the world