Cathartic Eclipse

Cathartic Eclipse 

I witnessed the death of the universe…
Tumbling, crushing, spinning
in the maddening chaos
of the spiral Time!

Eternity… ceased to exist,
Time… was no more,
my soul ripped asunder
the stars… show no more!

Pleading internally
I succumb my farewells,
emptied my concavities,
ashes of solitude reminded me
of quixotic moments
dismissed involuntarily 

you were oblivious to my presence
gazing emptily a brimming space,
surreality became my twisted fate
and no transition left for immortality!

My world is hushed
And I crave for volumes of light
in this glaring darkness of hope
succumbing throes 
of cacophonous silence 
cocooned in webs of deceit
awaiting the promised resurrection.

In these nights of forgetfulness
my poetry still bleeds inside me
in this realm there is an aeonic distance
between my Soul… and your Heart!...

(Anca Mihaela Bruma - 26th September 2015) 

Copyright (c) 2015 by Anca Mihaela Bruma, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit - which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged.

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