The abandoned girl


One of my rescue German shepherds, Kai.
This is a pen drawing depicting hause tribe in Nigeria.
Hand drawn and colored in with colored pencils
A funkey monster at the beach to fish
Ink drawing on paper
Doc Holliday was a wild west character, he was a gambler and a gunslinger,...
Drawing of Dragon Ball
The darkness , like a tide, it comes and it goes. The battle within...
Life cycle of all creature in the earth
Pencil from friends photo of wolf cubs in Canada.
I am a musician too and wanted to embody the blues in a drawing..
I just wanted to draw one of my friends, i felt like doing so...
This is my illustration of a candle burning bright in the dark. One of...
Pencil on paper
Hand drawn and colored in with markers
Hand drawn and colored in with colored pencils
Pen sketch of a mother cow and her calf - from my walks in...
Just a drawing of my shepherd....
Peace and love in nature of nature on nature
pen on paper  (50cm x 70cm)
I will represent my drawings through primarily letters and words.
I am a big shapes fanatic and enthusiast and through a woman's lips is...
A robot with an apple for a trunk
These are a few animal sketches
Hunger in birds
Ink drawing on paper
I like the traditionally rustic feel that a ax sticking in a piece of...