The story is set in Ibadan, Nigeria. Toyin, a churcheous Catholic is prestigious and...

A mission to deactivate early warning systems of a foreign Satellite is threatened.
One woman's strange love affair with a pair of pigs feet. (Originally a blog...
This is part of a series about Arcadia Thiessen, the unfaithful wife, and the...

~~  Introduction

A Poor Man


Hello!  My name is Steven Osborne.  The...

Bruce is a simple guy who's life has been routinely. He has a fantastic...

promo0tional short story to my 36 page metaphysical autobiography which is free if you...

A story of love (may contain slight erotic romance)
A young lady offers assistance to a man in a stalled car and becomes...

A woman scorned

– Based from the book, “HALLOW ONE” – by. Hallow One, aka. Brian Mehaffey


The old crone sits around her table awaiting her next victim. But is money...

What happen when a bolt of fire meets a dwindling moon? This is a...

If the Rule of Law fails, the Rule of Men uphelds.

Two detectives are put on a seemingly impossible case to crack until a few...

This story is about an only child whom has a very deep love and...

Instead of butterflies, it's this short burst of false hope in your gut.

The Maw is a look into temptation and insanity.

A man gets up at night to make a simple trip down a Boardinghouse...

Cuba 2006. A party of young community workers from Tower Hamlets goes to Havana...

His back is against us. Arched like a cat's. He hurriedly tucks at the...

A short story series on two individuals in the medical profession- a recently inducted...

I make a soothing ascent from the toilet seat; appeased, pausing only to muse...

Fragment of the Namibian archaic world

a story about a tired wife whose husband sleeps around and forgets that she...


No-one should ever make you feel anything other than beautiful.

The Maw is a look into temptation and insanity.

The story follows the origins of Maria Ghost, an urban legend of a wraith-like...

events in reason

  Comparing  deference culture

Noodles is a short humorous story about two sisters, home alone one starless night...

A longing for a love that no longer exists.

  Rugby is either for sadists or masochists; one must either enjoy giving pain or...

How To Promote Your Blog Posts Learn Blog Promotion Strategies - How to promote...

A longing for a love that no longer exists.