It's for my Wife who is forever by my side helping me
I was curious. What runs in the mind of the deaf? Their thoughts are...
A poem on the essence of friendships.
This piece is more of a stress release from my past relationship. a summary...
I am purposefully and wonderfully made in God When you look at a work...
I am purposefully and wonderfully made in God When you look at a work...
It's about the police brutality towards blacks in America.
In the poem  evil is identified by night fall, and when day break evil...
A love relationship
Is about the ending of a love relationsip
When greediness and love for power caress man knowledge, there are tendencies that evil...
Lies are interesting, lying has been knotted in heart of men but the truth...
NOTE: the poem is talking about belles and the wealthy using the word beauties...
Life is not fair, it affects ones choice, expectations, interesting and good living. When...
Its about the woman I love. Because of circumstances, we are separated and sometimes...
About the poem: wake up in another night, tells of period of regimes which...
About the poem: the poem deals on summer and further reach it out with...
NOTE: when the sun goes down and darkness approaches we are self imminent of...
This poem is about a person who has opened up totally, made himself subject...


just a moment of tiredness, and evil we see in men.
Observational comedy poetry
Observational comedy poetry
fathers that forgot they had roles  but decided to walk away and never coming...
taling about where i come from my real home and not the city life...
state between childhood and adulthood and escaping into a fantasy world
This poem is about a lone rose in my front garden which has flowered...