No moment of sincere creation and no evidence of godly salvation
If the universe has definitely no clear boundaries to persist
What place for an all-knowing creator was there anytime to exist
Big bang may not be the start of the beginning that we know
It will do for the time being until science has something else show
When all the universe's infinity was so very small and so dense
Before it exploded and expanded into becoming so immense
Time at that zero point started everything on its distant path
Now we're faced with weird conclusions inside all the aftermath
Physics will rationally remain agnostic absolutely to the end
There's no room for god in the scientific search to knowingly send
Any certain justification for an omnipotent creative being
In the mosaic god of all theism beyond good and evil seeing
Why in fact does the universe bother to even exist at all
Without a cause we simply stare at just an unknown blank wall
Until an uncaused final cause is seemingly impossibly found
We face an infinite reality where our feet won't touch the ground.
Just as we now exist with so many unexplained brute facts
Like the molecular mess it seems in our own dirty kitchens
Where chemical changes are engaged in constant interactions
An all-embracing atomic theory given of the structure of matter
Despite all the historic scientific and endless religious chatter.
Strato of Lampsacus with a certain clarity of understanding
That continual explanation is a waste of our time demanding.
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