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Downward Fall

Seasonal change. Holy Text define a time and its season. A time to sow: a time to reap. Our lives as a leaf upon a tree. We have our birth and then we leave....

Drifting high in early autumn sunlight 

Swaying care free, harmlessly in mid air  A fall down into a constant plunge  Yielding downward with wind care  Twist and whipped into numerous tosses 

Flipped up over my...


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A Tear

Sorrow of the human heart. Inspired by my family called man

A tear formed watching news the other day  A drop form in eye making pond to stay  It formed so big it soon overflowed  Roll out my eye dropped to cheek below  Its...


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Open Thoughts

Life is  what inspired 

I stumbled across a dream last night, or at least that’s what I believe it was

I seem to be having trouble deciphering whether it was a dream or possible an incomplete fantasy

Cause I seem...


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BEHIND Closed Doors


There  was a time  when a man  like him didn’t  speak  to  a women  like  her, but  I guess you  could compare  it...


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I am a child

This is dedicated to the little souls that are faced with harsh realities of life.  This was inspired by the plight of the Nigerian Girls at the hands of the Boko Haram...

I am a child

These eyes have seen things Both beauty and sadness These eyes have watered tons Yet I am still a child

Beyond my years I’ve seen plenty Things ought to have been shielded


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Scent of death

this was a response to a fellow poet's poem on the toil of death to a man who lost his lover...

Scent of death

Morning glory you've departed Dear night you've lost your shine Wind why blow without a whistle Why is death a new scent of roses?

Before me lies broken pieces Of dreams and hopes...


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Dear Love

inspired by a  surge of warm feelings felt once upon a time towards a special someone...

Dear love

It took me a while To jot you these lines Don't want to tell a lie You one of the kind

I am off balance Reeling and whirling Tossed and in circles Deep are...


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High school.

Rebellious youths. Sparking jays in remembrance of high school days.  Back then when we'd blaze in the morning also during breaks  and get an education, lifted off the haze while day dreaming about  being...


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New tattoos

Dear Mom,  you always say to have respect.  But you don't understand, admiring  beauty is something I've already come to accept.  And when I go searching, I'm not  looking for a lusting view. 


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Off to sleep

Kiss me on my cheek, and turn my  light out, saying goodbye before closing the  door.  I'll hug my teddy bear, and count  a hundred sheep, closing my eyes before drifting  off to...


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Read new poems from up and coming amateur poets

Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.