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City Light

I was looking out of my dorm window in the very early morning after waking up and being unable to sleep. I wanted to look up at the sky, but I was unable to...
City light shines Hiding the sky. City light shines, I'm not sure why.


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Clock ticking, wind flowing, birds chirping, heart steady. Wait. For. It. Clock alarming, wind rattling, birds squawking, heart trembling. I just want some... Peace. And. Quiet.


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Madness: a form of love

Plea for tolerance & love of neurodiversity & alternative ways of thought
Madness is a form of love It comes from up above It is wilder than the rose And gentler than the dove Madness is a form of love It carries its own unique...


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The playground

Inspired by the capture of the Chibok girls.

The playground

I have come to the playground,

yet I look around,

and see no friend around.

My joy is tempered,

so I cried out loud:


“Aisha! Ifuyaya! Chichima!” My voice echoed

and journeyed even beyond

the bounds of the playground.

Yet, I...


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All I Need

I felt some people don't go through break ups like people walking up to them and saying I am no longer happy, I want to leave- I felt some people just left because they...

You left the front door open The wind gave me shivers With the air; spacious and dusty I saw myself in the mirror ‎like never before Just the other day  You said... Your words...


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Facing the Real World

Its about my friend. We went through a rough patch. I was afraid we wouldn't make it through. So I decided to write about it because it was really eating away at me.

Never before had I had to deal with real life situations.


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“Just Trying To Survive”


“Just Trying To Survive”


People live in castles they call houses

But some just live in boxes by the road

And I remember seein people sleeping

In the bushes where folks would walk their dog


When I was young...


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Technological Revolution

Do not be afraid that change is afoot.

Like many times before we stand at a new precipice.

Part willing and part not to take the final leap.


Many surrender to herd mentality.

Backwards we go, further and...


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The circle of life and death



Now strange as strange seems to fly

Living life may be defined as just a lie

Depressed in a deep dungeon sorrow

Waiting for the faded light of tomorrow

Long dark cold days in your future past

With star...


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Rains Trains and Jokers Carnival

I get a lot of trains. I get a lot of delayed trains, meaning I get rained on a lot.

And we're not talking some kind of metaphorical rain  That's representing pain Or the bad times That are clearly on their way It's literally pouring down outside I...


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Read new poems from up and coming amateur poets

Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.