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It's is about the beauty of love. It conquers all despite social standing. It is based on my personal experiences and that inspired me to pen it
The Hunter and the Fairy Princess
One sunny day a hunter met a beautiful fairy princess in the woods. Smitten as he was, he managed to hymn the following song
Will i or will i...
View this entrySeveral friends and I were discussing how, with all the stunts she's pulled, we can't believe that the majority of Americans would consider electing Hillary Clinton.
(to be read with a rap-like beat!)
By Elizabeth Stauffer
I don’t like Hillary Clinton, that’s a surety
She messed with our nation’s security.
Her personal interests always came first
For power and...
View this entryNOTE: the poem is talking about belles and the wealthy using the word beauties here to tell of their attitude, while ugly here is the opposite of it. Mere looking at the words the...
“HOW COULD I” Ogbenigho A. Godstime
How could I,
The founder of the beads,
Spouse of sacred soil,
Mover of her beauties.
How could I, not bookworm,
Non educationally addicted.
How could I,
Who gaze at moons and sunny days whispers,
And warm...
View this entryinspired by a surge of warm feelings felt once upon a time towards a special someone...
Dear love
It took me a while To jot you these lines Don't want to tell a lie You one of the kind
I am off balance Reeling and whirling Tossed and in circles Deep are...
View this entryRead new poems from up and coming amateur poets
Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.