Creativity Lives Here

Discover new art, poetry, music, photography, films, drawings, comedy, writing and animation from our talented members.

Life is a journey of, according to The Holy Bible, three scores and ten....
  I wanted to write a fictional song which had emotional content. I have...
The poem is the first for a couple of years. It came as a...
paper and charcoal
She loved him more then she loved herself....
the pure lament derriere absorbed.
thar waz hut time thoughts of sexual lust crowd sourced any other issue to...
paper and charcoal
charcoal and paper
Maybe only read this if you're 12years+ old?
Domestic violence has rampantly become a prominent feature on the menu of the matrimonial...
a little light scketch
my balsa wood magnets raiders
raiders magnet
the rams placa
before i put the finishing touches
my balsa wood magnets raiders
paper and charcoal
This is a nickname with some of my artistic touches.
A man walks into a room and is subject to strange experiments that...
This poem is about the beauty of winter fun in a relationship
This poem is about gaining strength from another
This poem is a silly heartfelt one about how good a person can make...
This poem is about often passing up great things because of appearance
paper and charcoal
paper and charcoal
paper and sketch
paper and charcoal
No more hope comes from outside
The fear of falling in love
These are contents put together to demonstrate the short-sightedness of young lovers. Many younger...
This a lamentation of one member of a married couple, trapped together for convenience....

The story follows the origins of Maria Ghost, an urban legend of a wraith-like...