Lost Libido

Me primate chronological adolescent age evinced flood gates 

bursting viz dickensian fleshy prickly sticky stub
though smallish, zee tally whacker proudly, joyously, 
and heftily socked one seminal bang from this rammy buck 

whose berry pull lite hello ladies twig, could land 

a sucker punch per damn the torpedo puncturing, 
wharf lewd gates demolished, thus testosterone 

wrested control vis a vis expunged mighty tsunami 
forceful tidal waves jabbed and pierced boxer shorts 

rendering underwear utterly useless as what?...
donut hole? ring without a ding? toothless dad?....

thence retracted whet ragged limp, floppy duff 
flate dud discobolus, chewed biscuit ova Yankee dew till 

birthed via super fresh fielding teenage heterosexual 
whet dreams made me stir crazy experiencing vivid 

lifelike erotic fantasies firm he to feel an ache kin, 
beck kin ing , and whisk kin - with a nod to wink n, 

blink n and nod mine engorged phallus 
sought check kin at cali fornication, per base feral, 

hormonal, and primal antsy animal atavistic antics
brazenly daring me tubby craven, at least a baker's dozen 

to embolden issuance qua greeting 
with ha "good evening forte tuff hide meat curtains - 

ah hanker ta deux an Aaron" per cull 
of the wild, and an SOS tummy doppelganger 

bro' blow job, cuz back in the days of young adulthood 

practically any moving object inflated ma dill dough, 

particularly with onset of raging testosterone, 

this once introverted primate felt his cribbed penis 

ready flow with seminal fluid if he minimally attempted to exit - 
figurative stage door left - to avoid the gooey glop 

tug go deeper thru the unguarded Trojan horse eyelet entrance 
of this young (self emasculating) man, who’s ordinarily 

rather small male gonad got rock hard like a hoe

especially at the most inopportune instances; or watching 

the backside wiggle of a freshly minted female teacher 

did cap cha this common Joe, who felt stymied, frustrated,

and jangled and screwed up with vasocongested 
like any other horny teenager, would know (or feign) 

how to find suitable gamine orifice 

and many dudes bragged about their masculinity 

and boasted about their high achieving Ivy League score, 

war hie felt chill and chary asper suddenly tha air 

felt like five be low, which pent up carnal craving

grudgingly caved into manual stimulation 

(a piss poor substitute) until the august moment bedding abby

who allowed, enable and provided a proper outlet er...

and/or inlet firm aye integral normal predilection 

toward physical intimacy, which natural, sexual union 

more healthy than candy, and delivered to our lives 
wholesome buns in the oven, which progeny 

we did kindle two tumblr full daughters both well on their 
merry (go round the mulberry bush -  

with Cheney saw in hand) way toward a positive future, yet this once 
risqué, pesky, and frisky father experienced 

A kamikaze nosedive concerning horniness. 

ice scribe prozac 

as bad ass pharmacological killer app 

that gave masta baiter hiz mortal blow with nary an slit tiff hide 

who haint so hot fo' teacher, nor petty pussy, 

whose when he espies tufted hello kitty, Noah penile throbbing wracks 

ma five feet and ten inch being, yet arousal to enter the once portal 

ova verboten fruit doth bring measure for measure mush ado a boot 

comb thing far this king fro licking in the lair re: aperture felt envy and forced 

to grapple with hearing indubitable braggadocio. 


Lost Libido

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