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Tears of Blood

This piece is inspired by a painting I received from my favorite artist. The painting was of a woman, from the neck up, with big blue eyes and an eye protruding from her neck...

She may sitting in a corner crying Tears flowing down each cheek from flashbacks relived Over and over Seemingly never ending Occurring relentlessly  No warnings or any signs of a let up No care...


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Collectors of the Nectar

This is a Villanelle, based on the subject "Butterflys and Bees", but was not accepted. I am still keeping the piece as I feel I can use it in my next book of poetry,...

Collectors of the Nectar


As Rose does open her petals wide in the morning light

The collectors of her sweet Nectar advance like army drones

They hover over her colored petals filled with delectable delight


Floating just above...


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No one understands the pain of a person who has been betrayed in every walk of his life

Don't ask me how I am, don't ask me how feel.  Don't ask me how I am, don't ask me how feel.

Don't ask things you don't mean, coz its not a really big deal. 



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Dressed In Black

About a certain girl...

Dressed in Black,

Shes always dressed in Black.

So alike we are,

Yet so far apart,

Yeah, were the same.

She staggers in,


I stumble in,

Vodka and Gin,

She offers me,

I take a sip,


Poison lips,

Then we kiss,

Just for fun,

Our lips meet,



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