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The banana split

Its pretty hard for a teenager there mostly naive at the age of 14

I had no affection for God I was running with a squad 

What I need him for dad doesn't serve him why should I 

Eye for eye tooth for tooth I was running wild like duck duck...


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Ashes Rise

life inspired

Ashes Rise

your ill intent to burn me down

harm me not


at the ashes rise

your harmful ways 

bring upon my life 

wiser ways,you may 

hate my every being in your

twisted friendship

your laughter to bring me 

to an end


is only the



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Never again will I let u go echoes the regret of my heart.

As my blood flows sorrow fills me up. Time lingers on as distance grows, seasons change, but all I see is...


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still dying.

bitter to swallow.

No sounds, I hear,



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sweeping away all certainty.

the wind, 


<p center;"="">drenched caress.


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One Final Kiss

Is about the ending of a love relationsip

~~One Final Kiss

  I love you, what more can I say I’ve never be one to stand in your way

A million stars paint the night sky I wish you didn’t have to say goodbye



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I live in hope

This is my very first poem, penned on 14th November 2015 in the wake of the recent tragedy in Paris. It really sparked something in me to write my feelings so this is my...

I wake up every morning, Then I turn on the news, Do my eyes deceive me,  I see just sorrow and the blues.


I see mass death and destruction, From a war that will not cease When in my heart I wish for A world of tolerance and peace.


I see men and women crying, For the loved ones they have lost, Now all that remains is a memory, Those lives have been the cost.


Is it just too much to ask, For you to open your eyes and see God cares not of race nor creed, All he sees is your divinity.


You are no different from your earthly brother You are just of flesh and bones, This body is made of star dust, Your spirit shares its home.


So when in times of terror,  It is inward we must dwell, To save us all from this earthly life, That some might say is hell.


Reach out with understanding, Please, open up your mind, The way we fight this unspeakable horror, Is to be compassionate and kind.


For what you think is different, Is more alike than you may think, If you cast aside your judgement, You'll know that we're in synch.


I live in hope that some day as one we can unite. to fight this dreaded terror with love and hope and light.


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Nature Gifts

The title says all about the subject...inspired by my love of the natural and supernatural...

Nature Gifts.


Layers of cushioned velvet,

curly, crispy,


weaved by morning's lightweight sun...then

sizzled cerise...sunset's gift.


A subtle breeze awakes...

your sweet scent showers the air,

settles on Lily trumpet.


...add three raindrops,

six spores of Gardenia gusto,

a whiff of alluring Lavender

and two...


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Are you alright?

i kept geeting asked the question over and over again, so write this.......

A voice called out “are you alright?”

I responded, “yes, I’m fine”.

I was taken back by the question.


You see i’m so used to being left alone, with no one to ask “are you alright?”                                                How...


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today i stand

It is about having love and knowing how to love.it is the life that people live that aspire me to write this poem. where people might live a dangerous life without any love for...

For the fear of love that overwhelm me

I have been a boy of dignity and ambition

But in love, I am a man who lived with no reason in life other than love

Brutality is what...


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Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.