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It hurts when you love someone , you ignore how much pain it causes and walk the path happily , but in the end you realise that you weren't walking a bed of roses...
Covered by roses but it is a bed of thorns, it may look beautiful, so good to walk on. Maybe soft to the touch but it hurts so deep, leaving so many cicatrix that never heal. So devious...


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When you love someone with all ypur heart and are ready to do anything just because you love that person too much ....you walk a path ..... you don't realise how much it is...
Covered by roses but it is a bed of thorns, it may look beautiful, so good to walk on. Maybe soft to the touch but it hurts so deep, leaving so many cicatrix that never heal. So devious...


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black out poetry

to me it is about a life forgotten, empty promises and lost potential


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~ Conceive It ~

I long to find that center - a place where my dreams and ever-evolving intellect joins, creating a synergy, and the result is a new world exists for me. I could go there, often...
~ Conceive It ~ With words, I can climb to the summit of my dreams, Fly to the other side of a brightly burning star and fall, 4 light-years deep, just missing the exosphere...


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Forgive and Forget

You made bad decisions and decided to drive. You weren't mentally there, But you said it was fine. I've done this before, You said to them all. Never expecting, You would crash with that wall. You fell asleep on the road, and didn't...


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Words Hurt

They keep telling me to change, My ideas and thoughts. What will the family say? When they see that I’m not. Not the perfect princess, That they want me to be. I’m not skinny or flawless, That will never be me. Parents...


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