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~~I choose to write a lullaby And play it with my guitar. A song so true for all of you. I hope it will take me far.
Over the ocean and to the other land,
View this entryis about my feeling deep inside. feeling pill in my mind and i try to get them out.
in the airir
i staire
to gather my thoughts
of feeling run through
something will there
can't be unaware
i continue
i do travel
on a jouney
were something
i can lean on
not a long walk
holding my soul up high
i try
for the next path
View this entryHonestly,i was inspired by a pending reality of me living my dream .
Free me and I'd burst!
What prison can keep back my voice?
Not any known or about to come.
For i am so full of joy
that I seek peace
-inner peace,
doing what I cherish.
in a fresh foreign land where men reason...
View this entryPain and grief inspired me to do this.Pain of unrequieted love and passing on through life, passion unfulfilled.
Give me Your ears!Ye..s!
Grant me (come on!) Your heart;Now!
Then permit me perhaps to be
Your heart's hour Reporter-just this once,please?
For for this very time
was I brought up
-at such a desperate time as...
View this entryKnowledge is everything
Knowledge is wisdom. Wisdom is Knowledge. Only a wise man will look at life different. Only a fool would jump around wearing a mask as a image. Wise man dont need no friends he...
View this entryA Poem about fighting a fire
The sound of your own muffled breath Over muffled voices As you pursue your ancient prey This injured yet insatiable beast This destroyer of worlds It's only purpose, to swallow you up Raging...
View this entryA Tattoo artist
Soaked in Nervous sweat, with grim smile of Determined endurance Ready for rebirth with colourful stain Charged with nervous Anticipation, Of new and Permanent Art Underlining this new truth, with pain the evidence...
View this entryRead new poems from up and coming amateur poets
Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.