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Whiskey and woman


The beat slows down

Catching its breath

with touch, Your touch

begins to rise


Consistently inconsistent

JOY to pain

PAIN to joy

we feel everything, we feel nothing


Yet we pass through

keep going

born to our story 

begin with no choice

middle decided by beginning...


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It is about me I will admit. I was inspired because one night I had tried to read my dad a poem I had wrote in class and he was to busy so I...

I wrote a poem today.

 I tried to tell you.  I tried to read it to you.  I stared into your eyes and read it. 

You stared back  but you could not hear,    You could...


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What Nobody Knows

Feeling trapped.
Nobody sees it This curse that I call mine Nobody knows it For me no light does shine Its not as if I'm faking it I simply cannot tell I don't want to think this...


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In Defiance of Modern Roles

It's about the roles you and I share in this society. Late-stage capitalism inspired me.
"Say his name!" What does one mean? "Say her name!" As if it wasn't obvious enough... But it is not, because our humanity becomes undone in the face of irrational abstract thoughts. Like when every one of us is deemed "human capital." Just...


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The Color Red

I came across a poem that described a story with the color red, so I decided to tell my own doing the same.
Red was the color of lipstick I wore that night to impress you. It was the color that filled my hands as I held them tightly together, waiting for you. It was the color...


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The caring and upholding you need when you're love is standing at an odd.
Eyes of wonder, In Waves of Fire For Nature owes a part of your Hair A Distance Collides, and My Breathe Expire And Do You know How Much I Care The look you Shoot, is Sharper than Blade For...


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Empty Head.

Eyes like pools of stagnant water, lifeless. M isplac ed aggression. Forced state of stasis. The same tissue-paper smile that would tear if I pulled too hard. Wrath. A foreboding black hole of the soul. Happy memories warped like...


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To the person I hate

To the person I hate: You have always held me back, you do not care who you hurt and you do not know why it is that you’d want you hurt them. You are ugly and nasty you...


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Stay at home

I was inspired by the current situation and wrote this poem from the perspective of those who are actually having a hard time in this quarantine.
Stay at home. They tell us to stay at home? But what is home? Is it being trapped with an abuser? Is it undergoing traumatic days and suffering while gathering memories that i don't want to keep? Is it...


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Read new poems from up and coming amateur poets

Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.