The Color Red

Red was the color of lipstick I wore that night to impress you. It was the color that filled my hands as I held them tightly together, waiting for you. It was the color of the wine I sipped on to take the edge off. It was the color of the flower you gave me, the one I tucked into my hair. It was the color of the delicious cheesecake we split, not wasting a single crumb. It was the color that flushed my cheeks as you showered me with compliments. It was the the color that filled my heart the more time passed. It was the color that deepened in my face as we entered the room and started to kiss. It was the color of sheets we laid on. It was the color of the marks you were starting to leave on my body. It was the color that started emerging from my skin, when something didn't feel right. It was the color I saw in your eyes, unrelenting. It was the color that seeped into my head as I felt hopeless. It was the color you left me with, such a bitter taste. It was the color that began to consume me, and I promised myself this wouldn't happen again...yet here I am.

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