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We often take for granted
That old man on that chair
The one with funny clothes on
And grey receding hair
But if we close our eyes
Imagine who he used to be
The old man with funny clothes on
Lead a country to victory
You never stopped to question
You only stand and judge
The old man on the park bench
Feeding ducks and eating fudge
It’s once a year you see him
With his medals on display
Standing at the cenotaph
Looking grieved and in dismay
He stands still in reflection
In silent mourning and in grief
For as the clock strikes 11
He lays down the poppy wreath.
In laying down that poppy wreath
In memory of what was
He lost his friends and colleagues
He laid down his life for us.
View this entryPain and grief inspired me to do this.Pain of unrequieted love and passing on through life, passion unfulfilled.
Give me Your ears!Ye..s!
Grant me (come on!) Your heart;Now!
Then permit me perhaps to be
Your heart's hour Reporter-just this once,please?
For for this very time
was I brought up
-at such a desperate time as...
View this entryA Poem about fighting a fire
The sound of your own muffled breath Over muffled voices As you pursue your ancient prey This injured yet insatiable beast This destroyer of worlds It's only purpose, to swallow you up Raging...
View this entrybeing a father and letting my son know im still here for him
My son my child how I miss your smile.
View this entryA merging of the senses. With echoes of Nabokov's 'Lolita', a lustful decent into forbidden love.
''There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.'' Mark Twain An inner indecisiveness, or conflict of duality, like the off-coloured joke you'd mutter and the crimson-ridden smile I'd shoot...
YES TO YOU 1 So many times that I’ve said maybe So many times that I’ve said ‘no’ So many moments I’ve turned my back on you my Lord But now I give myself...
View this entryIt is the art within
your soul
that defines
your state of mind
when you aquire
the art
of an open mind
View this entryThis poem is a reflection on how humans believe that they are the main species in the world; however, many species such as trees have been alive longer and experienced much more than humans have. In a...
There's nothing more delicate than a tree Weaves of branches and vascular tissue Waving nutrients down the halls of its elaborate hostel With every needle, one more can be added A soul, a...
View this entryInspired by the forgotten Renaissance love poets of the 1500s. A tale of true love that has been forgotten for decades.
Be not bound in true love's light As beauty decays in my true love's eyes Never to rescind in favor as days fall to time This, by which this we truly desire The...
View this entryRead new poems from up and coming amateur poets
Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.