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Dreams and Society

It is about the contradictory thoughts of society and that of young generation.It depicts how the fear of what the society will say affects their life
Everyone told me to hide, But I wanted to create a beautiful ride, I wanted to run, But was told it's not a fun, I wanted to fly, Travel the infinite sky, But had partial wings, And feared about the societal...


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**Ravens Covenant**

RAVENS COVENANT Ascended, night women, magic and light, augury of covenants, the continuum of omens, south edge of Jezreel valley, with perfumes of idolatrous fire, marking equidistant the passages, of an illusionist time’s mortality, left primordial in the essence of Endor, sisterhood at the...


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Butterflies flirter... Little tweeting birds dance in ponds... But all i see is you.


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My Nation

this poem was inspired based on the way my country react to one another and the kind of love they show to each other

Our nation is for worship, so declare its valleys, where very old waterway flood the occupied sphere of life, below the proud eyeball of birds decorating the sky.

My state is for stillness, so says...


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Fifth Night

About the poem: wake up in another night, tells of period of regimes which is 4years expanses and another fifth night, means another bitter governance with agendas broken or stillborn (never fulfilled).

Errands at Euboea:...

Fifth Night   -  Austin Ogbenigho Odiri

O’ how old was the night

I do not know

Except that fire eked out bright

Except that like lawless state

Deracinate her saints

Eroded on errands at Euboea

Always celebrated in shoveled shadows

To beggars...


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Take over the WORLD

I have been writing all my life it's what i love to do. This poem is about inspiring yourself to be better in life.



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Its about something that had to be sutured and the moon inspired me 

Bent Until It Looked Nice Enough I Found My New Heart This Time I Learned That Natural Things Look Weird Or Odd So I Accepted Being A Part Of Nature  


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Words To Bless

~~When I choose to write and sing a song The words come to my mind. I write them down so gracefully Remembering to be kind.

I take my time to spell, I take my time...


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Is it not

the language

of your thoughts

that should be

given priority

when you speak


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