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this day every november finds me reminescing about thy mother, and though she never know much about my emotions
(kept hermetically sealed in an vacuum sealed air tight figurative bottle), i purge...
My mother succumbed to a terminal illness
and passed away
no matter she fought tooth and nail to keep ovarian/uterine cancer at bay
disease metastasized throughout major organs,
- - - ...
View this entryA poem about my awesome friends
Every single one of them means so much to me When darkness is the only thing that I see They remind me that...
View this entryYuou remember when you lied to me?
About the commitment that happened between you and she,
I knew it all along,
That something was definitely wrong,
My heart poured out through my eyes that day,
But you'll never know,...
View this entryRead new poems from up and coming amateur poets
Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.