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You don't know it but you tear me down with your words. You pick off my skin slowly. Peal away until you see flesh, and then you cut away at my insides. I've slowly been killed, by the letters...


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Tiny Bird

  Tiny bird on my sill, tell me why are you so still?   Tiny bird why so silent, why no movement, why no peep?   Tiny bird on my sill, do you tire watching me sleep?   To my shock...


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Unexpected Victory

The weather has always been something of an intrigue to me, how it can go from hot to cold in a matter of days sometimes hours. One of my best memories of the weather...


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Mommy is in heaven now

A poem to explain to someone when a loved one passes away, where they have gone to help ease their minds.

Mommy is in heaven now.

Mommy is in heaven now, the angels came calling. The lord said it is time to come home. But mommy is not really gone, she is all around. The twinkling...


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AberfanThe day a school died

Simply I tried to catch the tradgic event,where so many young innocent  lives were lost

 ABERFAN (The day a school died)

The black slime slid, like a black devouring slug,

It’s slow sluggish journey towards the school

Inside the pupils sat fresh of face, innocent and full of trust,

Hands clasped in Morning...


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Bicycle Ride

Cycling on the flatland of east Anglia

then we stop and play a while in fields of green and brown


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This poem is about faith,inspired by the word.  


Rivers that run according to 

your structure will flourish

excell not see hell

Rivers running according to 

your layout shall spring

about and bring forth

crops of plenty 

the young olive trees 

shall surround the spring

like honey bees,forever your ways

shall be thought 

amongst  the...


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An Ode to the Sun song of humanity

The poem: have a mixture of right and  age. When we sit at the table looking up unto the sun, each every night , year that pass makes us older than ever.

Contributing to our...

An Ode to the Sun (song of humanity)

                    - Austin G. Ogbenigho Odiri


Now we had come to kiss the sun,

No one had respect our song

Songs of humanity,

Many days peep’s the child

To aged,

Together whether...


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Symphony of The Call

They've tiptoed along the morning dew As clouds above where nothing new;   Where is the end the rainbow reached? They've crawled from oceans to drowning rivers As worlds collided in mountains of shivers;


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