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We have switched over to a new website platform which will allow us to vastly improve the service offered by The Talent Bank.
Do you know the grief I feel being ignored by you?
When I tell you my needs and you cannot seem to hear,
Not once, twice or trice.
I am like an abandoned cat. Begging, pleading
View this entryI wrote this to decribe how we allow the opinions of others to become our identity and how it ends up hurting us. I got my inspiration from past experiences and a conversation I...
You decide When others deny Your ability to shine Radiating your beauty You decide
Your self-worth Torn by lies and deceit Beholding your smile
Truth be told Heard by none Beauty unsung While tears roll down
View this entryrelationship confusion relationship confusion
see poem with pic
View this entryRead new poems from up and coming amateur poets
Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.