Creativity Lives Here
Discover new art, poetry, music, photography, films, drawings, comedy, writing and animation from our talented members.
I took a bike ride one lovely summer night and wrote the poem in...
I saw some injustice, by suppression of human achievement and development
Beach sketch guard house and truck
Life is movement, but a still can contain more life than reality
This was taken in Ft. Lauderdale Beach
the poem is about two teenage lovers ending friends ...
actually the colour combination and texture is sweet and light blueberrie is my favourite...
its my first design fully made up of glitter and exposed in sun for...
its just about love specifically when a you get to fall in love with...
It's about breaking free from the inside to be able to face the life...
painting is called "reflections". acrylic on canvas. depicts a surfer returning home at sunset...
This song is made by a true story.
This song is made by a true story.
From My Subconscious Mind
My drawings are about images from my subconscious mind. I have these visualizations of...
This poem captures the highs and lows of bipolar disorder
Inspired after a visit to cairo
The average waste in just 3 hours of an American's night.
About being in a very unhappy childhood but being saved every week by the...
Painted plein air on the island of Bryher, Scilly, in summer of 2016. Watercolour,...
Thismisma view of the houses and hotels overlooking the town beach in St Mary's,...
Career politics has lost many of it's colourful characters not sexy
Gate keeping or gap minding theme comes with pound shop plaster, role play &...
Inspired by Christine Lagarde fertility piece full sized torso with monetary symbols instead of...
A gun used more than real fire arms.
Which side of the fence do you treat the system? giant free standing 10ft...