You brought me many gifts
Each time you passed me by
A teddy with one ear
A doll with a missing eye
To others it was tat
Toys no longer required
Probably Cos they were old and that
And new ones acquired
But to me they were precious
I did not care they were old
Each toy had a story
That never could be told
They cannot tell you what happened
Because they cannot speak
But I would give them comfort
As it was what these toys did seek
Someone who would love them
For what they were inside
To see past that tattered state
And hold them up with pride
So I would treat them kindly
Brush my dollies hair
Tell them I would tend them
Treat them with loving care
I would tell them that I understood
How unhappy they had been
But there are some nice people
Not everyone is mean
I would tell them that the dustbin men
Had given me a special deed
That is why they gave me
These special toys in need
I would tell them that the dustbin men
Were very kind to me
They were the ones that saw
What others did not see
Just like I could see
How special these toys were
And see beyond the surface
Of teddies matted fur