Creativity Lives Here

Discover new art, poetry, music, photography, films, drawings, comedy, writing and animation from our talented members.

Oil on canvas, 35x25, 2016
Story of two former best friends reuniting
This is the opening track on the Album - Behind The Sun - by...
making a choice is never easy; especially when you have to choose between love...
making a choice is never easy; especially when you have to choose between love...
making a choice is never easy; especially when you have to choose between love...
A deadly beautiful coast where an even deadlier and more beautiful creature is...
Oil pastel of our Shorkie Lucy
Written ca. 2003, recorded ca. 2013.
Written and recorded ca. 2003 from an idea by Rob Edmunds. Image ca. 2003.
Contemporary acrylic painting, 36'' X 48''
Contemporary acrylic painting, 24'' X 60''
Contemporary acrylic painting, 30'' X 72''
Contemporary acrylic painting, lots of texture, neutral tones
Contemporary acrylic painting, 40'' X 60''
Contemporary acrylic painting, 30'' X 60''
Contemporary Acrylic painting. Bright colours. 36'' X 72''
Oil pastel of our Yorkshire Terrier Lily
sketched out aged ca. 19, recorded ca. 2013.
Written ca. 2003, recorded ca. 2013. Image 2003.
Sketched out aged ca. 19, recorded ca. 2013.
Deserted beach tranquil and beautiful
audition for modelling work
Sketched out ca. 1987, recorded ca. 2013.
Written ca. 2003, recorded ca. 2013.
Taken from my back yard and messed up a little
Written ca. 2003, recorded ca. 2013.
Interpretations of love or love's weather reports, hahaha
Been dreaming a long time, haven't stop, hahaha
Reflection of myself that i create a quote on, looking in, out, back, ahead....
This is a just discovered way to present my original quotes creativity
'Don't Stop Now' written ca. 2003, recorded ca. 2013.