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Holding On

First published in 'Popshot Magazine'.

After you died,

I filled your clothes with air

and took you walking.


Inflated, you were new-born, elated:

a dashing, headless dandy,

all grand gesture:

a sweep of shirt sleeve and trouser leg.


My mouth had so much to say,

it ran...


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The Origami Woman

First published in 'From the City to the Saltings' (the Essex Poetry Festival anthology, 2013, edited by Derek Adams, Adrian Green and Madeline Parsons).

Yesterday, I was the fighter

plane that nose-dived from

our son’s grasp, face crumpling

against the sofa cushions.


Today, I’m the mute swan

you string from the ceiling:

paddling the air with invisible

feet, making waves.


Tomorrow, I suspect I’ll be the...


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Squeezed Out

First published on Rebecca Goss' blog for Children's Heart Week (https://rebeccagoss.wordpress.com/)

You’re primed for that final dive

towards the light; but my heart


is misbehaving  – racing yours

in misplaced sympathy.


We move from home

to hospital:


“Blue light,” says the midwife,

“Blue light, please.”


And it’s only afterwards

I understand I could have...


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Tree Stories

This poem is a reflection on how humans believe that they are the main species in the world; however, many species such as trees have been alive longer and experienced much more than humans have. In a...

There's nothing more delicate than a tree Weaves of branches and vascular tissue Waving nutrients down the halls of its elaborate hostel With every needle, one more can be added A soul, a...


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When I Hate

When I hate, my enemies

seem happier than I’ve ever been.

They breathe my air, take my toys,

last night they even broke into my dream


When I hate, the sun is pale,

hurting them – that’s my secret...


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LSD Flight

The party was like a night shift

on the line in a chicken factory -

- endless, sweaty and hostile,

disposable humanity ending in bins,

disposable dreams ending in bins


That night everybody seemed so ugly,

pathetic and fake!

So he...


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Unreachable Special Place

Life doesn’t have any special meaning;

life just happens, like when you spill milk.

Riverbank by the main prison building

belongs to the ducks, you like to think


Life happens in busy waiting rooms:

You wait for love, for...


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Bridge818 live at Spokenword at the Camden eye

Take The Black, To That Guy, Three Eyed Crow, Go Rapture Yourself and Say Goodbye To These. Being performed live at my Spokenword event in camden a few weeks ago

Take The Black

Because nobody can tell what is written on the wind And because nobody can tell just how quickly things can end Turns out im not the kind of person who believes in...


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For freedom.



Wisdom is dark

- The soothsayer’s tongue,

Muse is the cock’s cry,

Strength is from tongs.


Magnificent; son of a mammoth;

Royalty is born as a maggot,

Admitted as Cadillac,

Mediocre is Cadaver.


To see the world in multicolour;

Accept the feast in...


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For Mother.
Shine down in fluorescence, Calm all my pertubance, Lest this world break my every sense, Heal me at a glance. The watery deeps, you paint blue, My thoughts; the dominant hue, Bless me with this crescent, My pain let me vent. It’s...


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Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.