
He had looked at a picture,

Her glistening eyes had caught his attention.

But only for a while.

He had asked, "who's that next to you?"

Fast forward a season, he found himself in a room packed with seemingly quarter drunk college students.

She was right in front of him, and even with a little alcohol and smoke from the braai tempering with his head, it wasn't an illusion.

He recognised the eyes. A fusion of summer and winter?

She was sitting on a bed, with her legs crossed.

Her summer was welcoming. A sense of "come, I'm warm and gentle".

Yet her winter screamed the opposite.

"Don't come near me, I'm cold and harsh" : blizzard!

Had she been through hell that she decided to be cold?

She was esting as these thoughts whistled through his mind.

He did not notice her walk towards the door. She was leaving.

He thought of following her.

He fell back.

The universe was not done, it always aligns paths right?

So when they bumped into each other on an aligned path he was happy he had seen her again.

But again, as she walked away in the opposite direction, he had not talked to her.

It hit hard like the concrete he was standing on.

One more encounter had passed.

The universe, if responsible for these encounters, was obviously disappointed.

Another chance came, she was sitting across the table at a birthday dinner.

In between sipping glasses he stole glances of her.

She was amazingly beautiful.

As she stood up to leave, his mind raced back to that small room when he had watched her walk away.

Was today going to be any different?

"Please call her to pass this was."

She called her, and as she stood right next to him he thought of the right words to say.

Was her response going to come from her summer or from her winter?

The words came. "Can I tell you something?"

She seemed perplexed.

He reached out, moving his head towards her right ear.

"You're really beautiful" he whispered, although he could hear this whisper echo in his very inner being.

He thought she blushed.

Of course she smiled.

His heart smiled.

And then the fire began. 

It had took so long to light up!

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