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Remember Me
“Words of Thought” Ferburary 9,2017
He broke her heart once more,
Continued to do so.
She was hurt and...
He didn’t see that.
He saw what he wanted….
Nothing more unless it pleased him.
He said he cared…
Actions never showed.
She was getting weary..
But now they’re close.
He never wanted to understand…
Or did he?
He filled her ears with promise…
How is that so?
She already knew what was gonna be said…
For she knew him too well.
He wanted her by his side..
But for what intentions?
She never knew how to handle things…
Now she’s grown up.
She is no longer afraid of him…
Nor will she ever be again.
She has been through the worst…
Even without him.
She tries to trust him…
Easier said than done.
She is still terrified to give her heart away…
Whom will she find?
She wonders why it's this way…
Will it ever change.
She believes in their future…
But how long will it take?
She don’t want to make a mistake…
Nothing nor anyone is perfect.
She will keep her word…
What about him?
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The poem is on Doctors who were heroes to us in the time of Covid-19
How we observe and how we reflect.
The observations and reflections of a traveller in a foreign land.
The facades of a perfect home.
This peom is about a woman in my life, who is suppose to be there for me but is not.