
I am a small, red, mechanical centipede, Dreaming of infinite. Surrounded by the walls of caves, Bitterness and irony. I sneak around the dampened ground, Only looking for a sound. My antennas seek for hopeless light, Only wanting to be found. I’m running from a lucid dream When an older man approaches me. His eyes are scarred, and his stare is stern – “Boy you have so much to learn.” His mouth moves into a grin And suddenly my ears zone in, But only five words came out. He takes my eyes and I’m on my way, I must get out of this maze. I’m running, rolling, and tripping up. Creatures lurk inside this space. Omnivores spit venom-glazed Hydrochloric acid waves. Meanings layered and words astray. My legs don’t move in sync no more, My head is sore but my mind is bored. The peace has been disturbed in my own home – Melancholy overthrown. I see an exit that screams escape, Moving sideways with a pace, Shadows creeping either side, I do not dare to break my stride. I’m breaking through what I think is peace When I fall straight through the ground beneath. Rub my eyes and look around But what I find is not relief. Hear the man’s voice and I turn around But he is nowhere to be found. My ear drums ring symphonies: Welcome to your new world.

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