The Warrior In Me

http://The Warrior to Rise I am not the typical definition of a warrior. I am the monsters recycled science experiment. I am not the one who saves society from monsters, But instead the one who hides from them. They put a raging fire in me. They place a dark sadness in my soul. They invade my home, leaving me raped and alone. I am the one who fears those who break yours truly, the sickened and used. They tear up the sureness I have in myself to a girl with anxiety in the cold corner. They damage me emotionally and physically. They are the ones who take my breath so I have no more to exhale. I am not the warrior who is braver than anyone known to man. They are the ones who break me down. They are the ones rejoicing in my pain. They are the ones who leave me with no backbone to stand. I am the one who lets myself become shattered into pieces out of fear if I retaliated. I am the one who gets shredded leaving blood on the cold floor. I am the one who is lonely and strives to have power next time. I am the one who feels the worst of aching in my unloved heart. Tomorrow I will rise from the ashes and become the phoenix I was meant to be.

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