the war between clans

The war between clan’s rents the sky
If only I remain in their clenching hearts
I push through my parts on deadly sculls
The woe in their calamity, brave my cry

The touch of the wind that sways though tree
I look through the land in slippers of dust
I follow every sound of the fallen root
And like a twilight of hop I waited in the wind

I questioned my figures in drumming fingers
In lustrous bear I flee through hair
Their thundering roar and lightning bolts may hollow my pride
But the rising flame of the stormy cloud I know not

in a light of agony, they battle behind burning sea in windows stream
in vain the hungry day diseased into fading darkness
little did I plight my way in terror
which fills the war in glaring shed of lifeless feathers?

now life has bedded my walls in snugs of barrows
whose rhythmic drums are fit to bell
knowing the that fall through the splashing stone
reviling the fall between clans that grows afresh

the war between clans

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