The Lonely House

There's this house Its in the middle of a beautiful meadow And this meadow is in the middle of this large forest The forest never ends It keeps going Miles on miles Within this still forest not a single thing roams here Its always quiet and dull Cold and homeless Leaving this house lonely Theres this house that is still And its barren On the outside its pretty and put together But through the flawless door its hollow A void Soulless Yet still Alone Not a single thing can see this house Nothing touches it but a chilling breeze that never seems to end Leaving goosebumps on the frame of this lonely house And although beauty lives around this house it still fears the soft grass never touching it It still feels the ugliness from within It craves a touch A feeling Something to make it feel alive Everything is so far away Its stuck in a void Gasping for air it knows is there but cant seem to grasp Becoming unsteady Feeling every screw come unloose Yet it never moves Forced to being in the dead middle Theres this house that feelings everything yet touches nothing From day to night it rests alone Never having to fear of the monsters in the deep dark forest Because theres nothing there God it wishes there was something to be scared A monster is better than isolation For a monster may rip you to shreds but isolation will rip you from inside out Theres this house thats desperate for something Anything god please anything It wants to feel more than chills More than the thin air It wants a touch A living thing A living soul Something has to be out there Yet everything is so far that this house will stay alone Going crazy by itself Theres this house in the middle of a meadow A needy yet quiet house That fears the only thing it is Alone
The Lonely House

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