Not Going Back 2

No Going Back:Rose-Marie Scott Barton 09.11.2017 23:02 ______________________________ I opened my eyes and to my surprise I was somewhere different and hypnotised I felt real strange ,and kinda dizzy and my hair was really frizzy. The place was dark but full of coloured lights, I had Clown makeup on and red and white tights ,it was new it was, unfounded and there was a plaque which said ," here lies someone who was downed" .There was a foggy lake and musky skies ,it was real weird and crazy like things went upsi-daizy ,there was twisted shawdows out the corner of my eye ,and when I spoke it was like I couldn't speak lies .The only food you could really eat was dog chews and dinosaur meat .I tried going back home in the way I started by closing my eyes and thinking a train has departed ,I opened my eyes again and felt just same because I'm never getting home again. 

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