

 You were the first person to hold me 
You were the first person to talk to me

You taught me how to walk
You taught me how to talk

   You had taught me everything I needed to know:
Math, social studies, English, Spanish
You even taught me how to smile when times got rough
To keep my head up when things got down

You were there for all my falls 
You would help me back up 
Telling me it is okay
Kissing me better 

You were there for all my sporting events 
Even when we lost and I was crying 
You always found a way to make me feel better  

Whenever we won a game
You would always cheer louder than most girls on the team
Even louder than the parents 

You were there through my meltdowns 
Still there for me even when we fought 
You were still there for me through my stages 
When I was a terrible mess, and a terrible person to be around
I knew you would always be there for me...

I know it's hard sometimes to let go
But you will move on 
You still have John

I'm growing up 
I know I will always need you in my life
I can call you sometimes
I have to go live the life you wanted me to have.
As soon as you let me go,
I can go live. 

Just know you are always my mother 
and always will be the mother I have always wanted
I love you!

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