Lost Hero


Daddy please don't go why must you go fight in Iraq. Please write me everyday. I will pray for you. I love you. Make sure you call us. Mommy loves you daddy please be safe. Make sure you Skype me ok. Ok baby now give me five give me kiss give me hug I love u. Ok daddy you my hero. Come here my love so I can lay a big one on you. Just be safe ok baby please we will pray for you every day and night come back home to me come back home to use ok. Ok. Mommy has daddy Skype us today did he write. He had me laughing last night tell me jokes making faces that's my hero I took his picture to school today. Baby sit down we need to have a talk ok. Oh my god dads coming home I knew it yes. No baby no I want to tell you your father loves me and you and his country so he fights for the freedom we have to day baby. I know mama that's why he my hero my super soldier. Listen I got a every important vist today. Look grandma grandpa pulling up I know. Mommy why you crying don't cry daddy coming home. Baby listen your father no mommy no mommy please tell me daddy is coming back. I'm sorry baby he was ambush by a suicide bomber. Mommy why why mommy why my daddy I know baby I know baby. (TEARS) let's not forget the ones that fight.

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