If I’ve ever

If I've ever loved I've loved in him Delicate like lace My love for one Time and time again I've fallen for him If ever I've loved In him I've loved Soft as a feather My fingers in his Time and time spent Gazing in his eyes If I've ever loved I've loved in him Pure as gold His heart and soul Time and time goes Yet my love for him grows If I've ever loved In him I've loved Strong like steel His arms around me Time and time wasted Dreaming of us If I've ever loved I've loved in him Sweet like honey My name from his lips Time and time waiting For the right moment If ever I've loved In him I've loved Hidden by a mask My love for one Time and time loving That but one If I've every loved I've loved in him priceless like a diamond his smile and laugh Time and time I've known My love for that one If I've ever loved In him I've loved If I've ever loved I've loved in him

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