Future Ahead


I promise that I'm improving
Getting better as the days turn
Lower than 6 feet beneath the surface
I've lost my mind
Gone deeper into suppressive thoughts

I promise that I'm getting better
The days fall in line
Routines that never change and extend
Dreams of cutting this life short
Drifting into the harmed me

I promise that I'll leave behind a masterpiece
Few people that say I'm doing incredible
The one of the billions
Standing my own, aside a sea of doubt
Reasons to believe, like Chaucer, I'll begin the new phase of writing

I promise the next years ahead will be more meaningful than the latter years
Never reaching the heights of John Milton
No more creative and outspoken than Aphra Behn
New insights to the heartbreak the likes of Samuel Daniel
Letting her know she'll be as eternal as Shakespeare's Sonnet 18

I know I can leave behind a wonderment for the future to admire
The power of words like Queen Elizabeth
The form of Sir Philip Sydney
The exposed love of John Donne
The hope of endearment as Mary Wroth

I promise that I'm improving
Utilizing the past as a stepping stone of expression
Each tear will amass an unforgettable speech
Tones will touch the inner soul of the heartless
Words as concrete as a woman's beauty in the natural light

I promise that each poem will last amongst the gods of the written skies

Age shall be a number by which greatness will matter not till the ends of each sunset and sunrise.

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