
I was thinking of you today. so i stayed indoors voluntarily except to take a run by myself i washed my hands as soon as I got home. not out of compulsion rather, because i was thinking of you hoping for one less patient, vulnerable and faint of breath in the beds you attend passing through the open torii gate my heart and head focused on peace here and there 'them' is senseless, blame is inhumane for you and for me for all of us through the sakura snow a burnt-orange sun waned into tapestry of magenta twilight i paused took a knee below the backlit wooden cross above the church doors and waited in the stillness listening for Merciful God I saw you, comforting the weak delivering groceries ordering take out making decisions that put other's lives first lending a shoulder and ears before saying a word making another mask, another ventilator grieving a loss with tears that sting hitting the books even though you miss your friends losing yourself in a gaming world when this one gets too undone making one more video call or text just to say, hello and how are you doing today? i was thinking of you when my lungs started to burn at the end of this SOLOdarity run a minor sympathy pain for your plight i was thinking of you today, i was thinking of all of us

One Reply to “Everyone”

  1. I love your poetry. It and you never disappoint. This poem speaks to me. I bow my head as it lifts my heart. Namaste. Peace be unto thee. Amen, amen.

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