Dream Theme

A dream-- B-dream-C- dream D-- Divine- dream E-- dream to the end of E- Earth F-- Fit for the dream How far it seems My first ever dream A+ "Angels Dream" B-Blood stereo types Dreams are so C Computer advanced One D-Demon -click Please come back your way too slick Your running out the door Lets be careful what we dream for All cliches So Hype flying the parachutes Does dreams come in "Navy I Salute" So darn designed cute Sunshine awakening did you feel her vibes wait a minute Jump the dream her malamute "To_ live_ a_ dream_ for all the talking no money grabbing Listen to the world what they are ... asking".... M-L-M marketing tribe Walking like the Egyptian "King Tut Pyramid" Million Stars multitasking My solo flight* A dream is not a dream Until your first cup of coffee ­ Names became unknown I must be missing an angel Quizzically Q- Queen All the King horses Money is real the dream Like a paper moon Once Upon A Dream Eye mask beautiful to me S-sleeping beauty My Mom is so real her name is Judy I'll be dammed "Miss Scarlet"Red Many broken pipe dreams Gone with the wind Beyond my words A change is good In my dream "God" was changed My heart brave what defeats The singer dream gently down the stream Our dreams the milky way heats Such emotions pride and joy of passions Heartfelt affections life is filled with destruction Sometimes nightmares the do or dares What fears only the lonely How a new birth is so lovely With love to the poem to the dream heights the "Medieval Knights" Was this my dream it feels so real? ZZZ
Dream Theme

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