
Mine own touch My Fear My speeches Dried leaves in the wind And so it comes to this dear whiskey Infected The great pleasure hides horns Death rides micro paths King of the suicide bravado How quick the shadow twists Carefree – arrogant – pitiful Remember thy heart dear lions Swinging my tail I walked into that office Funny words stole my swagger I left but a shadow And so it was I became a convert A follower of disbelief Of desperate cures Of Promises Part One Papa I hear our 'bean sidhe' Outside my door Can you smell the stench? Do we walk to the door? Do not weep Let us greet dextras copulari I fear not mine Past The grand glissando passage Do you understand? I did not mean to hob. My confession. Such a long story made simple. I, such a natty dresser. Oh Papa The sadness I saw in your eyes. Haunts my ghost Did it surprise – Really? My male tendency? The baseball that grew hope. Packed away in dusty glove. Oh father - do not blame. It was I Grand magician Using philter to capture urge. Now Each smiling tear So graceful in flight Falls HIV conducts sleep Yes Your son shall rest. And chance last be eyes visions Ευκαιρία Frozen in memory. Guilt shall not ride your deaths for me It is easier for I go before you A Child – A Shadow – A Child Remember what has gone before and beyond you – a son’s love. Part 2 Mother? Can you feel time thicken? The mind of movement presses forward. Slowly prepares a pathway for my walk. Did you know? Was it in my eyes? My bend. An ever interweave in my back. Do you remember the ages? Creative happy little tyke. Teens tormented idol. Young man of the world. Oh you should have seen me! I-Yes I. In the Nautch. Twisted and twisting as the coca splashed Melancholia. Cured by the needle. While the evil crept silently in the shadows behind. Ever watching – Ever plotting. Was it always there? I wonder? What waited for your little boy? Under that bed? Momma my Markus grand Markus. My Grand Oxonian Blessed he uninfected. My thoughtlessness almost his peril. Apollo his worshiper Artemis my God. Touch fingers to his lips As the news travels Tired Mother I hear but cannot speak I see grace Gods hand lifts be humble Tremble not for me Walk with Daddy as all great loves My life dwindles now Walk with renewed life and remember your sons smile Part three Lover? Grand fool and his ragged green slippers Traced are our hearts Such artistry shall be my meek offering to Heaven My eyes beg your forgiveness I watched your loving fear. Markus Lead thy great armies off the stage My art a craft of deception A Canvas within a Canvas Colors to muse your eyes Lessons learned to draw your love away from my Ugly feature Markus. My Markus Loyal to the soil Lover of the dream At my side you stayed Warm is your heart Do you remember our first meeting? Your sister – that slut I swore Jealous of her as your escort What a scamp was I Reddened by the news of your sibling bond. Pleased as spiked punch with the vodka It was dreadful my lack of poise My love Now the time demands you step away. Go free of this darkness Walk the rocks with my giggles Do not morn for long Do not quilt my life Do not waste movements on memory Madly run after your dreams I be selfish in this trail This journey is mine alone I pray from a place beyond Neuro-pathways This stray will be found What shall Become Welcome I am here to give color to the stars Will you reject my soul? Lover of Riffs I wonder what consequences await my love Will they put me to the whip? Does God need such a kind showman? Hollow be my ever lives Cast me to the army of bane. Soft decorous behavior the ticket I am sure What does any light expect? Thy Father, thy Son, thy Holy Ghost I see horror in my explanations LSD and degeneracy I excuse all such writers I see fingers pointed fronting the flay Who are you? Oh my Arms circle my frame and life is restored Gently A kiss on the forehead Let us walk

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