
I know I should be telling you this but you know how I can't express myself. But one day I'll show you this, and I hope you like it babe.

I'm honestly so happy you came into my life. 3 months ago I met the most beautiful girl in the world and now I can say she's mine. 

It's christmas and you're the best gift I've ever gotten. I just pray to God I don't screw it up like I always do. Goofball I love everything about you.

I love the way how you're cheeks turn red everytime I'm near you. I love how kind you are even when I'm a total dickhead. You know one day, I'm gonna marry you.

It's so weird for me to say that, but that's how I feel. I'm just so in love with you. I know I haven't opened fully to you, but I gradually will. You gotta understand, I've been through alot.

Everytime I reveal myself to someone, I get hurt. But with you, it's different. I know I'm not getting hurt this time. 


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