early dawn drawn and dragged sitting wilting and wearied in the station watching all the gaggling gabbling gargoyle commotion groaning and moaning into daytime lifetime.

seething breathing building of the crowded claustrophobic robotic drowning platform pouring a snake of tired miserable people raking and making their lazy mazy way into a brand new hollow hazy day.

walking talking shuffling and muffling ripping and tearing opening the frightful murky dusty daylight show sown and thrown like multi-coloured faeces across a piss wet smelt platform

gasping rasping hurling and churning the lumbering lethargic locomotive has arrived deprived of passengers laying in wait like a sleeping beast to flick and lick with its automatic doorway tongues more morsels of hibernating humanoids slithering inside its rotting rutted gut the gregarious garbage of tiresome travellers.

vehemently vomiting them like a technicolour yawn at each station staging post.

sickly and pale ready to start yet another unmomentous unrewarding working worrying day.

sorrow tomorrow repeating but wanting deleting and preventing another train ride of no gain just disdain to remain.

the old refrain, again and again everyday the same.

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