Try so hard to hind these demons inside
They jump out, mess me up
Good times when they come out to play
I let them put my thoughts and worries away
Lie that I have control and nothing's wrong in my world
Never ending battle
best friends till I beat them down again
All sober, pointing fingers, but that's two faced and hypocritical
Devils power always hiding within my skin
Sorry I come out that way
they make me think I'm okay
Don't mean to be a hero and say I own them
makes me feel better inside
thinking i can overcome that posion
Someone has to say it's easy if you try things blind
you feel alive inside feeling undefeated and you can fly in the sky
I would like to think it gives hope not to fall under that dark rope
Everyone's not all there inside
Fucking darkness in my mind deciding which way I say shit
not knowing
I just fucked over a relationship
I'm losing too much with my shit attitude
Making me feel better while destroying you
That's not right
Can't lose you cause of that voice that wants to fuck with my head
its hurts
fucker comes out in spurts
I need your light
It's stronger than mine
Help me help you
were stronger as two
black cloud lingers behind
we're sliding down life's rainbow
saving what's left of life
flipping it the bird
no more darkness for us