
Chemistry 01 It was a bright sunny Saturday I had been to the library It was also the bank holiday I did not know what to do It was a lovely day to go to the park and chill I went to the sauna and steam It was looking like I had to do something I went to the park in Gidea Park It was nice to see Couples, Children and families I was amazed at the number of people It was nice to see ducks, dogs and swans I was watching the stream go by It was nice to see the green in the atmosphere I looked at the trees , grass and leaves It was such a calming effect I felt like falling asleep on the grass It was relaxing as I saw Dogs being walked I saw prams being pushed It was nice to see families chatting to each other I saw different ethnicities mixing together It appeared the universe was at pEace I could feel the energy in the air It was a beauty unimaginable I could see couples cuddling up I sat on the park bench It was very thought provoking I tried to finish off my chapter in my book It was very comforting as I sat and wrote I saw a group of white boys walk by chatting I saw a group of black girls sitting and chatting I saw an Asian family with two toddlers playing I saw a couple sitting and cosying up It was the Chemistry that struck me in all It was the chemistry between friends It was the chemistry between families It was the chemistry between couples It was the chemistry between the swans and the lake It was the chemistry between the birds and the air It was the chemistry between the dogs and their owners It was the chemistry between beauty and nature I felt everyone was at peace in this moment I think everything came to a stop I felt I was in the present and now It felt like everything that had life came together and this was chemistry I felt different energies mixing with each other I felt the Universe was at work at this time I felt a higher energy was present I felt that humanity and nature had a connection which was Chemistry I saw Communities coming together I saw their was a connection between us humans and animals I saw their was a connection between the animals I saw their was a higher connection between the earth and atmosphere 05/05/18

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