Calamity Jane



Yeah she's wild, just like Bill, she don't need him for cheap thrills
She's got Dick, Deadwood Dick, a hired gun, just for fun
His quick wit makes her smile, so she forgets for a while
He's quite vain, thinks he's smooth, she dominates his every move
With her whip she's so cruel, when she's with him; there are no rules
She's the queen of obscene; she turns him on like a machine
There's no king in her court; just one subject when she cavorts
No aces, and no eights, no silly card games on their dates
No drunken barroom brawl, no damn gun fight with Jack McCall
That bastard! "Good Old Bill"! lays six feet under at Boot Hill
How dare he break her heart? She saw it coming from the start
Some consolation when her heart's sick... he had aces... she got Dick...
Deadwood Dick


Calamity Jane

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