Broken Arrow

  • Posted by: Leah Jones
  • Created: January 10, 2016
  • 0

No one sees behind closed doors,
When I think of you I die a little more. 
I hide the truth behind my smile,
No one noticed for a while. 
The pain it caused,
Hope seems so lost. 
I'll never show it on my face,
Why was it you in the first place?
I'm shooting blind,
Struggling to stay in line. 
Hiding in the shadow's
Battling like a broken arrow. 
I can only hope you're proud of me,
But please I beg don't you leave. 
I'm lost without you,
I'm off balance like a broken arrow. 
Missing my target every time,
Running further away from the light. 
Save me and watch over me,
Keep rested and live in peace. 
Never leave my side,
I see you now through washed eyes. 
Shooting blind, I'm lost without you,
Going off course like a broken arrow. 

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