A Purpose

My glass has always been empty, Or was it, I can't remember. I searched for water to fill it, But the journey found no end. Struggling through my way, Was no easy task, I say. Met thousands of people, All with their glasses okay. Tried blending into the sky, Just so people don't see me. But reaching to the skies, Was never too easy. Had I wished something wrong, Was my list just too long. Was my heart not that strong, Or is there no place I belong. I see the shadow of my future, Looking dark and bleak. Are there no other options, Is death that all I need. Alone in the street was a small boy standing, His past all dark and stood there thinking, Of thoughts, that you were just reading. He came to a conclusion, And reached his destination. But as he neared the doors of the death, He heard a feeble voice of a cat. He looked back and found him all alone, Just like him, a feeling well-known. He walked towards, the little cat, And gave his head, a gentle pat. He stayed there, Right beside him. To make him feel home, Which he had, never felt before. He looked around and found a shop, A coffee shop, ready to hire. Then his eyes moved to his destination, Now he got to choose what he desires. He stood up with the cat in his arms, And chose a path he believed in. Caring for his new family, That was his decision. He filled his glass with coffee, Not too grand, but not too shabby. He found his own true purpose. Now tell me What is yours?

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