A Portrait of Love

A Portrait of Love

The world is filled with so many bad misconceptions about fathers - 
The opinion of irresponsibility is the crux.
But mine has never matched any of such bad misconceptions about fathers.
From birth until now, I have not known a father,
so caring, loving and responsible as my father.

I still remember the stories mother
told me, when I was young about the love father
showered on her, even, before my birth to mother and father
I still remember the moments, when father
took us to school and came back for us, when we closed.
The gentle hands that held our hands to, and back
did not stop, but coddled and cuddled us, whiles we learned
and when we fell asleep at night, father
was the one, who carried us in his strong hands,
and laid us to rest comfortably on our beds.

Education was your major priority,
so you went even beyond your estate,
to ensure we got the best of education.
There wasn't a single day, teachers sacked us from school,
because of fees, for you had paid fully;
In sickness and in sorrow, you were the one we ran to;

Yet, today we look around, and cannot find you, father;
Father, for where we are,
for who we are, and
for what we have become in life
is because of you, father.

Although, you are not here,
this moment can never pass by without we - 
mother, Junior, Juliet, Gifty, Nana and Dor and me
wishing you: 
"Happy! Happy!! Happy!! Father's Day!!!!"

A Portrait of Love

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